Monday, December 29, 2008

After Christmas

I'm Back...
*insert sweet lil southern voice*
Sorry for the long break, but
our family has been running
90 to nothing since Christmas day.
As I scanned through some of
my favorite blogs last night I saw many
blessings were answered this Christmas.
Isn't God just WONDERFUL!
My Beautimous Robe...
Jeff and Ashley gave me this beautiful
brightly colored .. unbelievably warm...
soft as a baby's booty pink polka dotted robe.
As you can see from the pictures below...
I didn't hang it up after taking it off this morning.
The Baby has taken possession!
When I peeled back the top layer ..
There he was .. all nice an toasty.
Snoring like a lil piglet.
He was so comfy I just hadda leave him...
But! I'll be repo'in it later tonight!

Tomorrow I'll be posting some photos of
the goodies I found at Target today.
I hit it just right this morning,
as I was walking in they were
marking things to 75% off.
Right now they are safely locked in
the trunk of my car...
hiding from Jeff.
*Big Grin*


  1. He looks so sweet all cuddled into your pink robe. How could you deny him such pleasure.
    Roberta Anne

  2. Ooohhh....sounds ya goin' to sneak it in...can't wait to see!

  3. Ceekay.. I snuck it in while he was as work today hehehe .. and it's now packed away in good ole colored rubbermaid containers in the garage lol.

    Roberta .. He's on it again tonight .. he's so spoiled.

    Thanks for the comments.
    ~Hugs Debbie


I am always happy to know who's visiting. Thank you all that take the time to leave a comment... I really appreciate every comment and try my best to respond.
Have a Blessed Day!

Y'all Come Back Now Ya Hear!!

Y'all Come Back Now Ya Hear!!

