Happy Wednesday Y’all .. Today I’m sharing a few photos from a friend Debra’s back yard. Debra is a huge hummingbird lover and she has 12 hummingbird feeders that she has to fill every 3 days. She’s got the birds baybeee. Everywhere you turn .. they’re zipping past ya.
Take a gander at this Sunflower.. It was massive! It’s about 15” inches wide. Isn’t it beautiful!
Here are some of the amazing photos that we were able to catch of her Hummingbirds.
Did you know that hummingbirds can hover in mid-air by rapidly flapping their wings 12-90 times per second. They can also fly backwards, and are the only group of birds able to do so.
Ruby-throated Adult Female Hummingbird:
Emerald green back, white breast and throat, rounded tail with white tips. Larger than the male, with longer bill.
Ruby-throated Adult Male Hummingbird:
Emerald green back, iridescent ruby red throat that may appear black under some lighting conditions, gray flanks, forked tail with no white. Smaller than the female.
Here’s Ashley holding a male hummingbird at the Georgia Hummers Hummingbird Festival last summer.

Closer shot of the male Hummingbird she held.

Here’s a Male that couldn’t wait for the feeder to get hung.. He flew right up and perched as she was hanging it on the hook.

One of the many wild baby bunnies that she’s been feeding.
Big Daddy Jack.. She calls him her “Watch Rabbit” he just lays around like a yard dog snoozing and watching everything going on around him.

I hope y’all enjoyed tagging along to see Debra’s backyard and her hummingbirds with us.. I’ll admit I’m a bit jealous of all the hummingbirds she has.. but I really don’t think I could handle taking care of that many. So for now when I need a lil hummingbird fix.. I’ll just head back over and visit Deb’s Hummingbird Village.
To see more Outdoor treats.. Click on the button below and head over to A Southern Daydreamer and see what Susan and all the others are sharing this week.
Hugs Y’all,